Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Marilyn, one of my biggest inspirations..

"Marilyn Monroe on the screen was an image of pure, innocent, childlike joy in living. She projected the sense of a person born and reared in some radiant utopia untouched by suffering, unable to conceive of ugliness or evil, facing life with the confidence, the benevolence, and the joyous self-flaunting of a child or a kitten who is happy to display its own attractiveness as the best gift it can offer the world, and who expects to be admired for it, not hurt. In real life, Marilyn Monroe's probable suicide--or worse: a death that might have been an accident, suggesting that, to her, the difference did not matter--was a declaration that we live in a world which made it impossible for her kind of spirit, and for the things she represented, to survive." - Ayn Rand
I have always been inspired by Marilyn Monroe, not only for her beauty but because I always felt like there was so much more to her then what you see on the outside. She was also a woman who embraced her true self as she see fit and never apologized for it. That is something I greatly respect and something we don't see enough of now-a-days. I believe that she was inately relatable because it seems that she had gone though alot dispite her beauty, glamour and confidence. She was human with feelings and emotions dispite the character she played and thats why I believe so many women can relate to her. Here are some of my favorite shots of Ms. Monroe..XO