Thursday, May 3, 2012


I truly believe that the most profound and important thing we can be is grateful. Gratitude has the ability to change your life. If you focus your energy and thoughts on what you do have as opposed to what you don't have your life will change. Your world becomes brighter. Also, what you focus your energy on brings more of it into your life. If you focus on prosperity and abundance you will recieve more of it into your life. The same goes if you focus on lack of and never having enough. We are all so blessed and most of us don't even realize it. Always focusing on the negetive instead of the positive. I keep a gratitude journal and try to write in it every day. It is a book filled with pages upon pages of things I am grateful for. From small things like a hot latte to big things like my Mom and Dad. Physically writing down the things I am grateful for makes me realize how much I have to be happy for and changes my whole perspective of my day. It is a wonderful exercize and has changed my life greatly. I hope you all try writing down the things you are most grateful for. Even if you only write one a day. Another good way to do it is tell yourself that you're going to write 5 things down a day. That way you spend your day consiously looking for things to be grateful for, changing your mindset to one of happiness in the process. Here are some things I am grateful for today..

A cup of English Breakfast tea with cream. The feeling of the hot sun on my arms. Recieving unexpected messages from my closest friends. Being able to watch the sunset over the water from my bedroom window. The color of sunsets and blue skies. Laughing with one of my oldest friends. Blasting music in my car with the sunroof open. Bath and body works candles. My healthy body and happy mind. Chatting with my Mom about life while she makes speghetti. Speghetti. The sound of my little dog snoring in his bed. Tourquoise jewelry with crisp white shirts. Reading a good book in a hot bubble bath for an hour. The comfort of my cozy bed with lots of blankets and pillows. The knowledge that tomorrow is a new day and today I did the best I knew how. XO