Blake Lively is one of my top fashion idols, so she could be wearing a garbage bag and still pull it off in my eyes. I typically love everything she wears, especially love this turquoise and yellow color combo. Beautiful! Add in the large harringbone braid and you've got a simple yet perfect summer outfit!
"Relationships should help you, not hurt you." Ahhh, music to my ears.. I have said for a while now that relationships should add to your life, not take away from it, so reading this really spoke to me. Regardless of what dynamic and what type of relationship you have, this still applies. When you start doing the things mentioned above, your life changes for the better. You'd be amazed how great it makes you feel.
There is sooo much beauty in this world, and with as much tradegies and suffering there is, there is also greatness. You just have to change your perspective and make a conscious choice to see it. Don't feed negetive situations in the world with your energy. Focus on the positive and more will come to you.
Plain and simple. What and who is meant to be in your life will come into your existance if it has a purpose. It could be to teach you a lesson or allow you to experience happiness. Either way, if it has a purpose for you, it will come. Just keep being positive, doing everything in your power and work hard.
Stop giving the negetive situations and people in your life energy. When you give them energy it is feeding them, or in this case watering them. Its giving them nourishment to grow...exactly what you don't want with a negetive situation. Instead, shift your focus to the positive and that will create more positive experiences in your life. Like attracts like.
Love this photo of Diana. It was taken by Mario Testino(one of my favorite fashion/celebrity photographers) only months before she died. Diana is one of my role models and I think this image captures her simple elegance and classic beauty. Gorgeous!
I know of sooo many people(myself included sometimes) who complain about a person or situations in their life and I think to myself...but you are allowing it!! I just want to yell this to them. YOU are the person in charge of YOUR life. If something is bothering you, there is a reason why and figure out if you can change that.
Agreed. 9 times out of 10, it's us who complicate things and make things harder then what they should be for ourselves. Step back and really figure out what makes you happy in this life and focus on that. Sure, we all have to do things we don't want to do, but don't focus so much on that. Focus instead of what brings you joy. That si what life is all about.
Ohhh baby..this is for all the True Blood and Magic Mike fans out there! ;) Just had to throw in some eye candy so this blog post isn't too deep...XO